Effective for treatment of general body pain, joint pains like arthritis, sciatica, muscle spasms, pain in the back, neck and shoulders, partial stroke and rheumatic paralysis
Helpful in treating chronic conditions such as insomnia, constipation, headaches, migraines, and tension associated with stress, phobias, anxiety, addiction to cigarettes, sugar and drugs
Improves the energy flow and pattern along the acupuncture points and meridians of the body
Gives a soothing and relaxing effect on the muscles, joints and nerves. Correct minor misalignment of the muscles, tendons and ligaments
Improves blood and lymphatic circulation around the body
Release body chemical 'endorphins' that reduces pain and gives a 'feel-good' sensation
Enhances mutual detoxification by eliminating toxins from the body and cleansing of the blood
Accelerate the body metabolism, strengthen the immune system and increase in the body's ability to self-repair
Elimination of pain, strengthening of the bones and muscles and improve sport and athletic performance
Regulation of the autonomic nervous system and improved quality of sleep
Regulate the endocrine system and regulate hormonal secretion
Effective for treatment of general body pain, joint pains like arthritis, sciatica, muscle spasms, pain in the back, neck and shoulders, partial stroke and rheumatic paralysis
Helpful in treating chronic conditions such as insomnia, constipation, headaches, migraines, and tension associated with stress, phobias, anxiety, addiction to cigarettes, sugar and drugs
Improves the energy flow and pattern along the acupuncture points and meridians of the body
Gives a soothing and relaxing effect on the muscles, joints and nerves. Correct minor misalignment of the muscles, tendons and ligaments
Improves blood and lymphatic circulation around the body
Release body chemical 'endorphins' that reduces pain and gives a 'feel-good' sensation
Enhances mutual detoxification by eliminating toxins from the body and cleansing of the blood
Accelerate the body metabolism, strengthen the immune system and increase in the body's ability to self-repair
Elimination of pain, strengthening of the bones and muscles and improve sport and athletic performance
Regulation of the autonomic nervous system and improved quality of sleep
Regulate the endocrine system and regulate hormonal secretion
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